Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I did it! I made a button!

I did it!  I made a button!  You're probably thinking since I'm an applique designer and known for making my daughters' clothing that perhaps I'm talking about a button like a button on a shirt.  Well, there are a lot of things that I can do but making a button for fastening garments is not one of them.  What I can do now, with a lot of help from the wonderful blog oikology101,  is create a button for my blog.  And while I was at it I learned how to embed the link to her site in my text.  Hooray!  Feel free to take my button!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's About Time

I know, I know.  I should have been blogging years ago when everyone else joined in.  Let's just say I'm a little behind the times, slow to make a move, busy being a mom, not sure about adding something else to my to do list, just not ready ... you're getting the picture.  Either way it's safe to say that it's about time.  Now give me just a few days to figure enough of this out and I'll be up and running soon enough.